How to manually configure Cudy router work with T-Mobile (North American)?

Upgrade the router to the latest firmware. If you are not sure about how to upgrade, please follow follow How to upgrade firmware of Cudy Router?

T-Mobile should be the easiest to work with. Generally all Cudy 4/5G devices can work with T-Mobile SIM card without any problems. If you have problems, try to change the settings as below.


Instructions for T-Mobile:

1. Power OFF the router.

2. Insert your T-Mobile SIM card

3. Power ON the router, wait for LED become solid.

4. Hold the Reset button for 5 seconds before release.

5. Wait for LED become solid again.

6. Connect to the router's network via WiFi or Ethernet.

7. Open a web browser and go to or

8. Advanced Settings-> IPv6 to enable IPv6 and select '464XLAT', Save & Apply.

9. Advanced Settings->TTL and set TTL to 65, HL to 65.

10. Go to General settings->Cellular (4G/5G)->APN, set as below:
Network mode: Auto
PDP type: IPv4/IPv6
APN profile: Manual

APN:  (Note: for static IP plan, set APN as b2b.static)


10. Save & Apply, wait about 5 minutes, then check the connection. If it still doesn't work, contact with the Diagnosis bin file. (Diagnostic Tools->Diagnosis->GO->Download)

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