1. Descargue el firmware más reciente desde el Centro de descargas.
2. Descomprime el archivo que descargas
3. Encienda el dispositivo Cudy, espere a que el LED se vuelva sólido.
4. Conéctate a la red de Cudy a través de WiFi o Ethernet.
5. Abra un navegador web y vaya a http://cudy.net o .
Para obtener más información, consulte Cómo iniciar sesión en la interfaz web de Cudy Router?
6. Actualice el firmware.
a. Configuración avanzada -> Firmware, elija el firmware que descomprimió para cargarlo.
b. Configuración general:>La página Firmware puede realizar actualizaciones en línea y actualizaciones locales.
Nota: solo se admite firmware 2.x.x o superior.
7. Esperando 5 minutos para que se reinicie el router.
61 comentarios
The latest firmware of your router has been sent to you via email.
“Hello, no more firmware download for Lt400 v1 ? was the last firmware retired?”
Hello, no more firmware download for Lt400 v1 ? was the last firmware retired?
Technical support has sent you the firmware to your email. Please check.
“I have a WR2100, but its not listed in the download center anymore. By trying to adjust the url I got to its support page, but there is no firmware there to download, what kind of service is that??”
I have a WR2100, but its not listed in the download center anymore. By trying to adjust the url I got to its support page, but there is no firmware there to download, what kind of service is that??
Trova il “Firmware” in “Impostazioni avanzate”.
Sono proprietario di un LT400 2.0 ma in “General Settings” non esiste la voce Firmaware.