¿Cómo recuperar el router Cudy del firmware OpenWRT al firmware oficial de Cudy?

1. Descargue y descomprima el archivo de aquí


2. Descargue el firmware más reciente desde sitio web oficial y cámbiele el nombre a 'recovery.bin'. 

3. Apague su router. Desenchufe el adaptador de corriente o presione el botón ENCENDIDO.

4. Conecte su computadora al puerto LAN del router con un cable Ethernet.

5. Configure la dirección IP de su computadora para que sea '' manualmente. 

6. Ejecute 'tftp32.exe'.

7. Ejecute 'netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off' en la línea de comando para desactivar el firewall de Windows; de lo contrario, se bloqueará tftp.

8. Presione el botón/orificio 'Restablecer' y manténgalo presionado. Antes de que el router se encienda y antes de que tftp comience a descargar el firmware, no suelte el botón/orificio 'Restablecer". 

9. Encienda el router. 

10. Cuando todas las luces parpadean rápidamente o cuando tftp comienza a descargar el firmware, puede soltar el botón/orificio 'Restablecer'.

11. Cuando la luz parpadea lentamente, la actualización se completa.

12. Recupere la dirección IP de su computadora para que sea una IP dinámica. 

13. Listo.

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Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Sorry to tell you, we don’t have proper method to this issue. I suggest you to buy a new router.

For Cudy X6 V2, I am having the same issue – invalid board info.
It doesnot allow any login or setup(effectively bricking the router).
Can you please outline the steps to recover from this situation.
Thank you”

Support Cudy

For Cudy X6 V2, I am having the same issue – invalid board info.
It doesnot allow any login or setup(effectively bricking the router).
Can you please outline the steps to recover from this situation.
Thank you


Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.

“Greetings, I possess a Cudy X6 V2 router operating on OpenWrt, and I wish to revert to the official Cudy firmware. I followed your instructions to return to Cudy’s firmware, i.e. to go from OpenWRT Firmware back to Cudy’s Official Firmware. After i flashed successfully with tftp32 the newest official firmware for the cudy x6 v2 (x6v2-R30-2.1.0-20240411-114110), I get “invalid board info” error at the device login page ( or cudy.net) where one needs to create a new admin password. The website-header also reads a strange “lede” title. What does the “Invalid board info!” error mean and how can it be fixed? kind regards!”

Support Cudy

Greetings, I possess a Cudy X6 V2 router operating on OpenWrt, and I wish to revert to the official Cudy firmware. I followed your instructions to return to Cudy’s firmware, i.e. to go from OpenWRT Firmware back to Cudy’s Official Firmware. After i flashed successfully with tftp32 the newest official firmware for the cudy x6 v2 (x6v2-R30-2.1.0-20240411-114110), I get “invalid board info” error at the device login page ( or cudy.net) where one needs to create a new admin password. The website-header also reads a strange “lede” title.  What does the “Invalid board info!” error mean and how can it be fixed? kind regards!


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