1. Descargue y descomprima el archivo de aquí.
2. Descargue el firmware más reciente desde sitio web oficial y cámbiele el nombre a 'recovery.bin'.
3. Apague su router. Desenchufe el adaptador de corriente o presione el botón ENCENDIDO.
4. Conecte su computadora al puerto LAN del router con un cable Ethernet.
5. Configure la dirección IP de su computadora para que sea '' manualmente.
6. Ejecute 'tftp32.exe'.
7. Ejecute 'netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off' en la línea de comando para desactivar el firewall de Windows; de lo contrario, se bloqueará tftp.
8. Presione el botón/orificio 'Restablecer' y manténgalo presionado. Antes de que el router se encienda y antes de que tftp comience a descargar el firmware, no suelte el botón/orificio 'Restablecer".
9. Encienda el router.
10. Cuando todas las luces parpadean rápidamente o cuando tftp comienza a descargar el firmware, puede soltar el botón/orificio 'Restablecer'.
11. Cuando la luz parpadea lentamente, la actualización se completa.
12. Recupere la dirección IP de su computadora para que sea una IP dinámica.
13. Listo.
21 comentarios
Hi, why I couldn’t download any files? got 404
Dear Customer,
Yes, you are right.
“OK, answer this myself (for TR3000 v1.0):
1. Find and download tftp32.exe
2. make directory “tftpboot”
3. put tftp32.exe AND the firmware (renamed to “recovery.bin”) into that directory
4. connect your PC to the LAN-port of the device
5. set your LAN IP to like described here.
6. disable windows firewall (can do this with click and point in windows)
7. start tftp from the directory in step 2. and leave that window open
8. press reset-button on the device and then connect it to power/power on, keep pressed and wait, until it starts blinking/downloading the firmware to the device (in my case this was done after 3 seconds)
9. Enable firewall again, enable dynamic config (DHCP) on your lan port again, re-connect your lan and start to configure your Cudy device”
OK, answer this myself (for TR3000 v1.0):
1. Find and download tftp32.exe
2. make directory “tftpboot”
3. put tftp32.exe AND the firmware (renamed to “recovery.bin”) into that directory
4. connect your PC to the LAN-port of the device
5. set your LAN IP to like described here.
6. disable windows firewall (can do this with click and point in windows)
7. start tftp from the directory in step 2. and leave that window open
8. press reset-button on the device and then connect it to power/power on, keep pressed and wait, until it starts blinking/downloading the firmware to the device (in my case this was done after 3 seconds)
9. Enable firewall again, enable dynamic config (DHCP) on your lan port again, re-connect your lan and start to configure your Cudy device
Sadly this does not work with my TR3000:
1. The download link (for tftp32?) is broken/does not work.
2. It doesn’t say where to put the sysupgrade firmware after download.
3. Does the sysupgrade firmware have to be renamed (to “recovery.bin”)?
Actually the stock vendor firmware for me is better/easier than open-wrt. So it should be possible to reflash to stock fw.
Thank you for you help. I have sent the method “connect to the WAN port” to Ivan.
“Hi Team, I can answer myself; got it running to flash back to Cudy FW for a TR1200 by connecting to the WAN (!) Port on Cudy; not the LAN port. That was the only thing different for TR1200 compared to the the description above”