El firmware beta soluciona el problema de configuración de LT18, LT450, LT500, LT500D y T-Mobile

Recientemente, recibimos comentarios de que nuestro enrutador no puede funcionar correctamente con T-Mobile, como que no tiene Internet o que solo puede obtener Internet IPv6, etc. Creamos un firmware beta para corregir y mejorar el rendimiento.

Paso 1: abra un navegador web y vaya a http://cudy.net o . Ingrese la contraseña para iniciar sesión.
Para obtener más detalles, consulte ¿Cómo iniciar sesión en la interfaz web de Cudy Router?< /span>

Paso 2: vaya a Configuración avanzada-> ;Firmware para actualizar el firmware beta a continuación.

LT18 Firmware: Descarga del software Cudy LT18

Firmware LT450

V1 (tarjeta Micro SIM): LT450-R9-1.15.5beta-20221121-180014-flash.bin

V2 (Nano Tarjeta SIM): Descarga del software Cudy LT450

< strong>Firmware LT500

V1 (tarjeta Micro SIM): LT500-R9-1.15.5beta-20221121-180014-flash.bin

V2 (tarjeta Nano SIM ): Descarga del software Cudy LT500

Firmware LT500D

V2 (tarjeta Nano SIM): Descarga del software Cudy LT500D

Paso 3: Configuración avanzada-> IPv6 para habilitar IPv6, Guardar y actualizar. Aplicar.

Paso 4< /strong>: Vaya a Configuración avanzada -> TTL -> Personalizado y establezca TTL en 65, HL en 65.

Paso 5: Vaya a Configuración general->4G/Celular.

1. Establezca el modo de red como solo 4G

2. Establezca el perfil APN como Manual

3. Configure APN como fast.t-mobile.com (Nota: para el plan de IP estática, configure APN como b2b.static)

4. Deje nombre de usuario y contraseña en blanco.

5. Establezca Autenticación como PAP+CHAP

Nota: Para el APN, deberá confirmar dos veces ya que pueden cambiar sin previo aviso.

Paso 6: Guarde y actualice el archivo. Aplique, espere unos 5 minutos y luego verifique la conexión. Si aún no funciona, comuníquese con support@cudy.com con el archivo bin de diagnóstico. (Herramientas de diagnóstico->Diagnóstico->GO->Descargar)

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10 comentarios

Our technical support has contact you via email. Please check.

“Dear Cudy Team,

I wanted to share my experience regarding the latest firmware for the LT500 V2. I had been using version LT500V2-R25-1.14.26-20220801-152148 for some time without any issues. Recently, I upgraded to the latest firmware version, LT450-LT500-LT500DV2-R25-2.1.1-20240419-090237."

Cudy support

Thank you for contacting Cudy support team. You can download the firmware on the website. https://www.cudy.com/pages/download-center/lt500-2-0

But for now, there is no OpenWRT firmware on OpenWRT forum. So I think you can’t update the router to the OpenWRT firmware.

“I own a Cudy LT-500 v 2.0 router amd am requesting the latest beta version of the firmware for this router as well as the latest releases of all applicable software necessary to install OpenWRT on this device. None of the listed download links referenced in FAQ are accessible. Thank you in advance.”

Cudy support

Dear Cudy Team,

I wanted to share my experience regarding the latest firmware for the LT500 V2. I had been using version LT500V2-R25-1.14.26-20220801-152148 for some time without any issues. Recently, I upgraded to the latest firmware version, LT450-LT500-LT500DV2-R25-2.1.1-20240419-090237.

After using version 2.1.1 for about a month on the T-Mobile network, I began experiencing frequent disconnects from the cellular network, usually several times per day. To address this, I have rolled back to version 1.15.28-20230410-094349 and will monitor if the problems continue.

I wanted to report this issue regarding version 2.1.1 and provide feedback. Thank you for continuing to create excellent routers!


I own a Cudy LT-500 v 2.0 router amd am requesting the latest beta version of the firmware for this router as well as the latest releases of all applicable software necessary to install OpenWRT on this device. None of the listed download links referenced in FAQ are accessible. Thank you in advance.

Rebecca S

Dear Jose,

Our technical support has sent you the firmware via email. Please check.

“None of the underlined ‘links’ in this page have actual HTTP links embedded in them that you can click on. What’s the deal here? I want to download the latest firmware for the Cudy LT500 v1.0”

Cudy Support

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