Comment mettre à jour le firmware du Cudy Router ?

1. Téléchargez le dernier micrologiciel à partir du Centre de téléchargement.

2. Décompressez le fichier que vous téléchargez

3. Allumez l'appareil Cudy, attendez que la LED devienne fixe.

4. Connectez-vous au réseau de Cudy via WiFi ou Ethernet.

5. Ouvrez un navigateur Web et accédez à ou .

Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter Comment se connecter à l'interface Web de Cudy Router ?

6. Mettez à niveau le micrologiciel.

a. Paramètres avancés -> Firmware : choisissez le firmware que vous avez décompressé à télécharger.


b. La page Paramètres généraux->Micrologiciel peut effectuer une mise à niveau en ligne et une mise à jour locale.

Remarque : Seul le micrologiciel 2.x.x ou supérieur est pris en charge.

7. Attendre 5 minutes pour le redémarrage du routeur.

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61 commentaires

Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.

“Hello! I have a pack of three M3000 1.0 routers. One of them is running firmware version 2.2.6, while the other two are on version 2.0.0. I can’t remember if I updated them automatically or manually. I would like to update all of them to the latest version. How can I do this? I can’t find a manual firmware download link, and when I try the automatic search, it says they are already on the latest version, which doesn’t make sense since they are the same product with different firmware versions. Thank you in advance.”

Cudy support

Hello! I have a pack of three M3000 1.0 routers. One of them is running firmware version 2.2.6, while the other two are on version 2.0.0. I can’t remember if I updated them automatically or manually. I would like to update all of them to the latest version. How can I do this? I can’t find a manual firmware download link, and when I try the automatic search, it says they are already on the latest version, which doesn’t make sense since they are the same product with different firmware versions. Thank you in advance.


@Michał Zatoński,
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.

I own an RE1800 extender. After configuring the connection to the existing 2.4 and 5 Ghz Wifi network, the device blinks red the 2.4 network works but the 5GHz network does not work.
I have no way to update the software, I can only configure the device as an access point and repeater.”

Cudy support

Estimado cliente:
Sí, puede actualizar el último firmware. Preste atención a descomprimir el firmware antes de actualizar.

“Buenas, tengo el P5 con la versión 1.15.15-20230616-112055, Como puedo actualizarlo a la última versión, estuve revisando en la pagina pero no he podido actualizar, por favor me puede regalar el archivo. Gracias.”

Cudy support

I own an RE1800 extender. After configuring the connection to the existing 2.4 and 5 Ghz Wifi network, the device blinks red the 2.4 network works but the 5GHz network does not work.
I have no way to update the software, I can only configure the device as an access point and repeater.

Michał Zatoński

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