Beta 韌體修復了 LT18、LT450、LT500、LT500D 和 T-Mobile 設定問題

最近,我們收到回饋說我們的路由器無法與T-Mobile正常運作,例如沒有網路或只能存取IPv6網路等。 - fragment="1">
第1 步:開啟網頁瀏覽器並造訪 或http://192.168. 10.1 。輸入密碼進行登入。 -fragment="1">
第2 步:前往進階設定-> ;韌體升級以下測試版韌體。 -7bb0-410c-96bd-3be3eb2c92c9_480x480.png?v=1712056117" alt="" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src="https://cdn.ify .com/sshop/files/1 /0673/4748/0820/files/1_06c3af74-7bb0-410c-96bd-3be3eb2c92c9_480x480.png?v=1712056117">
Cudy LT18 軟體下載

LT450 韌體

V1(Micro SIM 卡):LT450-R9- 1.15.5beta-20221121-180014-flash.bin

V2(奈米SIM 卡):Cudy LT450 軟體下載

< strong>LT500 韌體

V1(Micro SIM 卡):LT500-R9-1.15. 5beta-20221121-180014-flash.bin

V2(Nano SIM 卡): Cudy LT500 軟體下載

LT500D 韌體

V2(Nano SIM 卡): Cudy LT500D 軟體下載

第3 步進階設定-> IPv6 啟用 IPv6,儲存並儲存申請。 -0cd64d60fa05_480x480.png?v=1712056248" alt="" data-mce-fragment="1" data-mce-src=" /files/2_1adba29b-20d6-412a-8079-0cd64d60fa05_480x480.png?v=1712056248">

:前往進階設定 -> TTL -> 自訂並將TTL設定為65HL設定為65。 br數據- mce-fragment="1">

:前往常規設定->4G/蜂窩網路。 >1.將網路模式設定為僅限 4G


3.將APN 設定為注意:對於靜態IP 套餐,將APN 設定為b2b.static)


注意:對於 APN,您需要再次確認,因為它們可能會更改,恕不另行通知。

第 6 步:儲存並儲存應用,等待約 5 分鐘,然後檢查連線。如果仍然無法正常運作,請聯絡 並提供診斷 bin 檔案。 (診斷工具->診斷->執行->下載)


21 則留言

Dear Jose,

Our technical support has sent you the firmware via email. Please check.

“None of the underlined ‘links’ in this page have actual HTTP links embedded in them that you can click on. What’s the deal here? I want to download the latest firmware for the Cudy LT500 v1.0”

Cudy Support

None of the underlined ‘links’ in this page have actual HTTP links embedded in them that you can click on. What’s the deal here? I want to download the latest firmware for the Cudy LT500 v1.0


Dear Rui Manuel Jordão Mendes,
Our technical support has replied you via email. Please check.

“I’m struggling to connect through the app . I have a LT500D on version 2 and firmware version on 2.1.1 and on the app it detects the router bur when I insert the administrator password, it gives me ‘’ network error ’’ the password is the good one.
Thanks can I do something?”

Support Cudy

I’m struggling to connect through the app . I have a LT500D on version 2 and firmware version on 2.1.1 and on the app it detects the router bur when I insert the administrator password, it gives me ‘’ network error ’’ the password is the good one.
Thanks can I do something?

Rui Manuel Jordão Mendes

Dear Sally,
Please download the latest firmware of LT500 Outdoor on the website.

need to download new firmware for lt500 outdoor cudy

Support Cudy
