Cudy App Support Plan

Cudy 應用程式支援計劃

此清單於 2024 年 6 月 19 日更新


點擊進入型號清單後,您可以在過濾選項"進階"中過濾"Cudy App"和"Cudy App Local"的變體。帶有"Cudy App"的型號提供本地和遠端管理方法。具有"Cudy App Local"的型號支援本地管理方法,這意味著用戶可以在連接到設備時控制設備。


  • 範圍擴展器:RE1200 Outdoor*
  • 4G/5G:LT15V、LT700V



了解有關 Cudy 應用程式的更多資訊


Cudy成立於2018年,總部位於深圳,是一家極具競爭力的無線及網路產品研發製造的技術驅動型公司。產品組合涵蓋 Wi-Fi Mesh 路由器、OpenWRT 路由器、中繼器、4/5G CPE 路由器、PoE、交換器和智慧家庭 IoT 裝置。 ="1">公關聯絡人
Cudy@LinkedIn < /a>

103 則留言

@IZSÁKI ROBI, Please contact to feedback your issue about the router.

The app dont discover anything… 😕
I have LT12 Router, and AC1800 Extender, all updated to latest firmware, but dont discover anything… Local management, and cloud, nothing.
Perhaps, i connected the LT12 network 🙂
Please help!”

Cudy Support

Thank your for your kindly advice. We will provide feedback to the R&D department for evaluation.

“Hi, please kindly add separate and dedicated 2.4GHz and 5GHz band option for “IoT Devices” (i.e. Cudy WR3000, Cudy M3000 mostly and other model too)”

Cudy Support

STEPHEN PASCUA Please contact to feedback your issue about the router.

“After upgrading my Cudy P5 to firmware version 2.1.10, my IPv6 won’t connect, even though I set my “Connection Type” as “Passthrough” (this is my default configuration from version 1.16.2) or “Dynamic IP”. I am using a WAN connection & only using my cellular connection as a backup/WAN failover.”

Cudy Support

@DVIR,Thank you for you feedback. We have fixed it.
“you released the new firmware for LT18 but the file is empty”

Cudy Support

you released the new firmware for LT18 but the file is empty

