VPN 用戶端是用於在使用者和 VPN 伺服器之間建立安全連線的終端設備或軟體。
什麼是 VPN? p>
VPN(虛擬私人網路)透過隧道技術協助您遠端、安全、私密地存取網際網路資源。 VPN 會對您的個人資訊進行加密,並在您使用網路時向公眾隱藏您的 IP 位址。對於 VPN 用戶來說,電腦看起來像是直接相互連接的。
一般網路拓樸: p>
這裡以WR2100為例 第1 步:開啟網頁瀏覽器並前往http: // /cudy.net 或http ://。 詳情請參考如何登入Cudy 的網頁介面路由器? 第 2 步: 點選 常規設定->VPN並啟用VPN強>. 預設規則: 允許所有設備或禁止所有設備使用VPN。
要指定設備,請點選系統狀態- > 設備->VPN 啟用或停用它。
站點到站點:< /strong >允許兩個站點中的設備相互通訊。
VPN 政策: 停用: 無需其他設定。 VPN 終止開關:當VPN 連線遺失時關閉網路連線。
域:指定哪些域通過 VPN,哪些不 遠端子網路:指定哪些子網路透過 VPN哪些不 第 3 步: 在協定清單中,選擇您需要的協定並輸入VPN 提供者提供的VPN 資訊。
• PPTP VPN 輸入 VPN 伺服器位址(例如以及 VPN 使用者名稱和密碼由您的VPN提供者提供。
• L2TP VPN 輸入 VPN 伺服器位址(例如、VPN 使用者名稱和密碼以及您提供的預共用金鑰VPN 供應商。
如果您的VPN 提供者也為您提供了與帳戶綁定的隧道IP,您可以啟用使用自訂隧道 IP 選項。
• OpenVPN < /跨度> 點選瀏覽器匯入由您的VPN 供應商。
• WireGuard VPN 點選瀏覽器匯入由您的VPN 供應商。
介面和對等點將自動從VPN 提供者的CONF 檔案同步。
• ZeroTier 從站 p >
輸入 ZeroTier 網路 ID 和 網關由ZeroTier Master 提供。網關可以在 VPN 狀態部分找到。
41 則留言
Request for Help: LANCOM to Cudy LT700 VPN Connection Issue
Hello everyone,
I have a LANCOM 1800VAW modem with built-in IPsec IKEv2 VPN. I’ve successfully established a VPN connection from LANCOM to Cudy LT700. From the Cudy LT700 side, I can access the LANCOM public network and reach all devices on its internal network.
However, the issue is that from the LANCOM 1800VAW, I cannot access the Cudy LT700 modem or its local network. Due to software limitations, I’m unable to apply advanced configurations on the Cudy modem anymore.
I would really appreciate any assistance or suggestions to help resolve this issue.
Thank you in advance,
Sorry, i have two cudy lt500 v2 with lastest firmware
Hello, I have two cudy lt400 routers, I need to connect them through zerotier , the máster and slave zero tier router are connected through a 4g chip, I ping the máster zerotier’s IP from another PC from slave router, the ping does not respond. The other way around neither. Please!!
@yilmar londoño,
Dear Customer.
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Please check if the Cellular IP address is a public IP address? As shown nelow. If the public IP address is the same as the IP Address? If not the same, the Cellular IP address is not a public IP address, then you can’t access the router from the internet. You can try to ask the ISP if they can offer you a public IP address.
Hello, I have two cudy lt400 routers, I need to connect them through wireguard, the server router is connected through a 4g chip, when creating the client and the server, the client never connects to the server, I ping the server’s public IP from another network, the ping does not respond, could this be the problem?
Hello, I have two cudy lt400 routers, I need to connect them through wireguard, the server router is connected through a 4g chip, when creating the client and the server, the client never connects to the server, I ping the server’s public IP from another network, the ping does not respond, could this be the problem?