
Port Forwards(連接埠轉送)功能允許互聯網上的遠端電腦連接到專用 LAN 內的特定電腦或服務。配置前的服務埠號碼。 data-mce-style="color: #ff2a00;">重要提示:
確保Cudy 路由器從您的網際網路服務供應商取得公共IP (WAN IP ) ,如果它是私有IP位址,則表示Cudy前面還有另一個NAT裝置。您還需要開啟該裝置上的服務連接埠。
http://en .wikipedia.org/ wiki/Private_network


如何查看Cudy的WAN IP?





1.通常,如果公用IP和IP位址相同,則表示您擁有公用IP。 IP 位址是您從網際網路服務供應商取得的 WAN IP 位址。上面的公共 IP 是其他裝置可以透過網路找到您的 IP 位址。因此,如果 Cudy 路由器獲得私人 IP 位址,您需要找出哪個裝置使用此公用 IP 並開啟其上的連接埠。

2.對於大多數蜂窩路由器,網路服務供應商通常會提供私人 IP 位址。因此,如果您想進行連接埠轉發,請聯絡您的網際網路服務供應商為您指派一個公用IP位址或由他們進行連接埠轉送。


第1 步:開啟網頁瀏覽器並前往http://cudy.nethttp://。 

詳情請參閱如何登入Cudy Router 的網路介面?

第2步:點選進階設定-> 網路部分中的連接埠轉送

第 3 步:點選新增將一個項目新增到清單中。在下面的欄位中輸入您想要的參數。

例如:根據以下配置,主機 的 TCP 連接埠 5000、UDP 連接埠 5001 以及 TCP/UDP 連接埠 6000 將向 Internet 開放。

< strong >外部連接埠

主機的IP位址,即將開放到網際網路的連接埠< br>內部連接埠:
一般情況下,內部連接埠與外部連接埠相同。 > >儲存並保存套用'儲存設定。現在您可以嘗試使用http://WAN IP:連接埠號碼來存取您已開啟的服務。



14 則留言

Hoello, I need to change external adress during port redirecting. Address is given by my intrnet provider but it is different then detected by router. Unfortunatelly, there is no such possibility in html interface (or I can’t find it?) Router model: NT12
Thank you


Dear Customer,
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.

I have an issue with setting port forwarding on LT700e.
It is supposed to be able to forward ports on VPN interface as well, but it does not work, ports are not forwarded correctly (they do not seems to be opened at all)
The purpose is to allow connecting to local service from other client in same VPN network.
VPN network itself seems to work fine.
Could you please advice?”

Cudy support

Dear Customer,
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.

“I have WR3000 and I tried to open FTP (active) ports to my NAS. My ISP blocks ports 20-21 so I defined in port forward extrenal ports as 2020-2021 and internal ports as 20-21, but I can’t connect to my NAS! Whats wrong? Same kind of configuration worked fine with my previous mesh network (Netgear Orbi).
NAS does not allow changing ftp ports, so router must do port forward (both directions)
NAS is connected to agent, but this can’t be issue?
I have tried with enabled & disables ALG ftp, but it doesn’t help.”

Cudy support

I have an issue with setting port forwarding on LT700e.
It is supposed to be able to forward ports on VPN interface as well, but it does not work, ports are not forwarded correctly (they do not seems to be opened at all)
The purpose is to allow connecting to local service from other client in same VPN network.
VPN network itself seems to work fine.
Could you please advice?


I have WR3000 and I tried to open FTP (active) ports to my NAS. My ISP blocks ports 20-21 so I defined in port forward extrenal ports as 2020-2021 and internal ports as 20-21, but I can’t connect to my NAS! Whats wrong? Same kind of configuration worked fine with my previous mesh network (Netgear Orbi).
NAS does not allow changing ftp ports, so router must do port forward (both directions)
NAS is connected to agent, but this can’t be issue?
I have tried with enabled & disables ALG ftp, but it doesn’t help.

