USB 共享功能可讓您將連接到路由器的 USB 儲存裝置共用給同一網路上的其他有線或無線使用者。 strong>第1 步:開啟網頁瀏覽器並前往 或http://。使用"admin"以密碼登入。 log-into-the-web-interface-of-cudy-router">如何登入Cudy Router 的Web 介面? < br data-mce-fragment=" 1">步驟2:點選頂部的進階設定,然後點選USB分享 >網路部分。
第3 步:切換啟用 到。在密碼欄位中輸入密碼。此密碼僅在使用者想要存取 USB 儲存裝置時有效。
第 4 步:點選儲存並儲存套用完成設定。您的系統作業系統,透過下列位址存取USB 記憶體。如果預設 LAN IP 已更改,您應將 IP 位址變更為新的 IP 位址。或\\ MacOS smb: // 或smb:// Linux smb: / / 或smb://
Dear Customer.
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“For everybody who tried the \\ and it just did not work… the correct address is this: \\\sda1”
For everybody who tried the \\ and it just did not work… the correct address is this: \\\sda1
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“Hello Cudy Team,
Every time I try to access and it shows
“Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited, or deleted.
Please help me out, thanks.”
13 則留言
Dear Customer.
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“For everybody who tried the \\ and it just did not work… the correct address is this: \\\sda1”
请尝试如下设置,打开“高级设置”—“端口转发”,添加一个条目。协议TCP, 内部和外部端口都是445, 内部IP地址是192.168.10.1, 默认的路由器LAN口IP地址。如果修改为其他IP地址,请填写新的IP地址。设置完成之后,你试试从WAN口IP地址进行访问,看看行不行?如果是互联网访问,请注意WAN口IP地址得是公网IP地址。
For everybody who tried the \\ and it just did not work… the correct address is this: \\\sda1
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“Hello Cudy Team,
Every time I try to access and it shows
“Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited, or deleted.
Please help me out, thanks.”