Cudy 路由器內建 Web 介面,此內部網頁不需要網路存取。您可以透過Wi-Fi或乙太網路將裝置連接到Cudy路由器以登入Web管理頁面。
第1 步: 將您的電腦連接到Cudy 路由器透過無線或有線。
如果無線:預設 Wi-Fi 名稱和密碼印在路由器底部標籤上。
如果有線:將您的電腦連接到< Strong data-mce-fragment="1">LAN 連接埠位於路由器背面,透過乙太網路線連接。
第2 步:開啟網頁瀏覽器(Google 、 Firefox 等)並輸入 http:// / 或http網址列中的://。
問題排查: 如果登入頁面未顯示,請嘗試下列故障排除步驟: 1.確保 a> 或http://192.168 .10.1 在網址列中輸入,而不是在搜尋欄中輸入。
2.如果電腦設定為靜態 IP 位址,請將其設定變更為自動取得 IP 位址和 DNS 伺服器位址。
如何重設:在電源開啟的情況下,按住重設按鈕/孔並保持8 秒鐘。 span>< /p>
74 則留言
I can’t login
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team. You can try to reset the router to factory default by long press the reset button about 3 seconds. You can release the reset button when the LED flashes.
The default password of the WEB panel will recover to default “admin”. If the firmware version is 2.×.x, you need to create a new password when first login to the web page of the router.
““Hello! We have tried multiple times to access the router settings via the link and each time it says incorrect password. We have tried admin, the router wifi password and even openwrt and nothing.
How do we access the settings?”"
@Dimitrios Kostakis,
Vår tekniska support har skickat dig lösningarna via e-post. Var snäll och kolla.
jag har en LT700 router och jag är säker på min admin-lösenord.
Ändå kommer jag inte in när jag ska logga in på min dator eller mobilen.
Tacksam för feedback.
Mvh /Dimitrios”
@Michal Beukes
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“Can’t open the website to change the settings on the router via my smartphone and the cudy app always shows ‘No devices found’, please help, thank you…”
“Hello! We have tried multiple times to access the router settings via the link and each time it says incorrect password. We have tried admin, the router wifi password and even openwrt and nothing.
How do we access the settings?"