


3.開啟 Cudy 設備電源,等待 LED 常亮。

4.透過 WiFi 或乙太網路連接到 Cudy 的網路。

5.開啟網頁瀏覽器並造訪http://cudy.nethttp:// .

有關詳細信息,請參閱如何登入Cudy Router的Web介面?


a。 進階設定 ->韌體,選擇您解壓縮後上傳的韌體。


b。 常規設定->韌體頁面可以進行線上升級和本地更新。

注意:僅韌體 2.x.x 或更高版本支援。



61 則留言

Buenas, tengo el P5 con la versión 1.15.15-20230616-112055, Como puedo actualizarlo a la última versión, estuve revisando en la pagina pero no he podido actualizar, por favor me puede regalar el archivo. Gracias.



Our technical support has sent you the latest firmware via email. Please check.

“Hello, I want to upgrade my P5 routers firmware, but it did find firmware in the webpage.
Could you send me by mail.
Thank you in advance.”

Cudy support

Hello, I want to upgrade my P5 routers firmware, but it did find firmware in the webpage.
Could you send me by mail.
Thank you in advance.


@Jesús Vilacoba Chillón,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team. Please download the firmware on the website: https://www.cudy.com/pages/download-center/m3000-1-0

“I can´t found firmware for M3000 1.0 whify mesh.
Please, can you help me?”

Cudy support

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team. Our technical support has sent you the firmware via email. Please check.

“I need the latest version for Cudy LT400 EU 1.0, could you please send it to my email, thank you!”

Cudy support
