OpenWrt 軟體下載


本網頁列出了支援OpenWrt系統的設備的軟體,在下載和安裝軟體之前,請注意OpenWrt Project是一個針對嵌入式設備的Linux作業系統。 OpenWrt 並沒有嘗試建立單一靜態韌體,而是提供了一個具有套件管理功能的完全可寫入檔案系統。這使您無需選擇供應商提供的應用程式和配置,並允許您透過使用軟體包來自訂設備以適應任何應用程式。對於開發人員來說,OpenWrt 是建立應用程式的框架,而無需圍繞它建立完整的韌體;對使用者來說,這意味著完全客製化的能力,以前所未有的方式使用裝置。


  1. 此檔案僅當您的路由器在 Cudy Web UI 下運作時才能使用。
  2. 如果路由器已經在OpenWRT UI下工作,用戶應先將其恢復到Cudy官方韌體。然後用這個韌體升級路由器。
  3. 如何將路由器恢復至Cudy官方韌體?請閱讀下載文件中的自述文件。



  1. 我們 Cudy 對非深圳市 Cudy 科技有限公司發布的任何軟體不承擔任何保證。
  2. 對於安裝了非深圳市酷迪科技有限公司發布的任何軟體的產品,我們不承擔任何保證。
  3. 如果您需要使用openwrt軟體,建議您從Cudy官網下載。

下載 OpenWrt 韌體以刪除簽名檢查:驅動程式

OpenWrt 韌體查找器(不是由Cudy 發布):OpenWrt 韌體選擇器 


143 則留言

Is it possible to upload OpenWRT to the WR3000S router ? where can i find image and instructions.


Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
The letter says that it will be impossible to return to the manufacturer’s firmware after switching to Openwrt. —No, you can return to the manufacturer’s firmware after switching to Openwrt via the TFTP method.
Tell me, is the Openwrt firmware that you sent stable? --This is not the OpenWrt firmware, this is just a intermediate firmware.
For the functions of the Openwrt firmware, you need to check it by yourself, we don’t know that. It is not developed by Cudy.

“Dear manufacturers. I want to install Openwrt on my Cudy AP3000 v1.0 access point (round with 2.5G port). You recently sent me the firmware by email – I am very grateful to you for your quick response. The letter says that it will be impossible to return to the manufacturer’s firmware after switching to Openwrt. What is the reason for this impossibility of returning to the factory? Tell me, is the Openwrt firmware that you sent stable? Will I regret this transition? Will the firmware have VLAN and Multi-SSID network management for wireless adapters, does PoE and the 2.5G port work in Openwrt? It is important for me to know the stability and performance of the Openwrt firmware before I transfer the AP3000 v.1.0 to a firmware from which it will then be impossible to return to factory settings. When the access point starts on the factory firmware, I see in the address line a reference to the luci interface, that is, similar to Openwrt, but modified by your development team. Therefore, I do not understand why it is impossible to switch back to the factory, in case of failure.”

Support Cudy

Dear manufacturers. I want to install Openwrt on my Cudy AP3000 v1.0 access point (round with 2.5G port). You recently sent me the firmware by email – I am very grateful to you for your quick response. The letter says that it will be impossible to return to the manufacturer’s firmware after switching to Openwrt. What is the reason for this impossibility of returning to the factory? Tell me, is the Openwrt firmware that you sent stable? Will I regret this transition? Will the firmware have VLAN and Multi-SSID network management for wireless adapters, does PoE and the 2.5G port work in Openwrt? It is important for me to know the stability and performance of the Openwrt firmware before I transfer the AP3000 v.1.0 to a firmware from which it will then be impossible to return to factory settings. When the access point starts on the factory firmware, I see in the address line a reference to the luci interface, that is, similar to Openwrt, but modified by your development team. Therefore, I do not understand why it is impossible to switch back to the factory, in case of failure.


@Toni and Ian,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has sent you via email. Please check.

Support Cudy

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.

It seems from previous comments that there is a signed intermediate openwrt firmware for WR3000S. Could you send me a copy please ?

Support Cudy
