Come impostare il filtro dominio sul router Cudy?

Se desideri impedire ai dispositivi di accedere a determinati siti Web tramite il router, puoi impostare un Filtro dominio per raggiungerlo.

Passaggio 1:  Apri un browser web e vai a o

Per dettagli, fare riferimento a Come accedere all'interfaccia web di Cudy Router?

Passaggio 2: Fai clic su Impostazioni avanzate -> Filtro dominio nel Sicurezza.


Passaggio 3: Controlla le impostazioni nella pagina Filtro dominio.


• Per bloccare indirizzi IP specifici

1. Seleziona 'Consenti tutto tranne l'elenco'.

2Tinserisci i nomi di dominio che desideri bloccare.  

Esempio: tutti i dispositivis non sono in grado di visitare YouTube.


3Salva e salva Applica l'operazione.


• Per consentire i dispositivi specifici

1. Seleziona 'Consenti solo elenco'.

2Digita i nomi di dominio a cui sei autorizzato ad accedere.

Esempio: è consentito visitare solo YouTube, l'altro sito web non potrà farlo< span data-mce-fragment="1">caricare.

3Salva e salva Applica l'operazione.

Nota: < /span>

1. Se desideri limitare anche altri siti web, fai clic su 'Aggiungi' per aggiungerne di nuovi voci. Una voce può essere inserita in un solo sito web.

2Se non vuoi limitare Internet, scegli Disabilita ' dall'elenco a discesa e salva le impostazioni, non solo 'Elimina' l'elemento.

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16 commenti

Dear Customer,
Thanks for contacting the Cudy support team.
You can set “” or “youtube”, and have a try. If it doesn’t work well. You can try use a chrome to open the and click the F12 to check all the domains that the website use and add it to the domain list. As shown below. This is an example of the Open it via chrome, and click F12 to check all the domains.

“How do I add a generic whitelist item, such as “*”

Support Cudy

How do I add a generic whitelist item, such as “*


Dear Vladimir,
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.

“Добрый день, не получается настроить VPN так чтобы по нему можно было ходить только на разрешенные сайты, запретить тоже не получается. Похоже у меня аналогичная проблема о которой уже писали, но ответ давали только по почте. Версия роутера Cudy WR1200 V2.0.

Good afternoon, I can’t set up a VPN so that you can only use it to visit authorized sites, and I can’t ban it either. It looks like I have a similar problem that has already been reported, but the answer was given only by mail. The version of the Cudy WR1200 router is V2.0."


Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.

I would like to restrict VPN traffic to only specific sites while allowing all other sites to be accessed without a VPN. How can I do this?”


Добрый день, не получается настроить VPN так чтобы по нему можно было ходить только на разрешенные сайты, запретить тоже не получается. Похоже у меня аналогичная проблема о которой уже писали, но ответ давали только по почте. Версия роутера Cudy WR1200 V2.0.

Good afternoon, I can’t set up a VPN so that you can only use it to visit authorized sites, and I can’t ban it either. It looks like I have a similar problem that has already been reported, but the answer was given only by mail. The version of the Cudy WR1200 router is V2.0.


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