如何在 Cudy 路由器上配置 USB 共享?

USB 共享功能允许您与同一网络上的其他有线或无线用户共享连接到路由器的 USB 存储设备。

步骤 1 :打开网络浏览器并转到http://cudy.nethttp:// 。使用“admin”作为密码登录。

第 2 步:单击顶部的“高级设置” ,然后单击“网络”部分中的“USB 共享”

步骤3 :将“启用”开关打开。在“密码”字段中输入密码。此密码仅在用户想要访问 USB 存储设备时有效。

步骤 4 :单击“保存并应用”以完成设置。

步骤 5 : 设置完成后,您可以根据您的系统操作系统通过以下地址访问 USB 存储。如果默认 LAN IP 已更改,则需要将 IP 地址更改为新的 IP 地址。

Windows:\\cudy.net 或 \\
MacOS smb://cudy.net 或 smb://
Linux smb://cudy.net 或 smb://

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“I can’t work because my wifi password is all over the streets and my business is falling apart”

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I can’t work because my wifi password is all over the streets and my business is falling apart


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“Hello Cudy Team,
I have same problem
Every time I try to access and it shows
“Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited, or deleted.
Please help me out, thanks.””

Support Cudy

Hello Cudy Team,
I have same problem
Every time I try to access and it shows
“Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited, or deleted.
Please help me out, thanks.”


Dear Customer,
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.

“Hello Cudy Team,
Every time I try to access and it shows
“Your file couldn’t be accessed
It may have been moved, edited, or deleted.
Please help me out, thanks.”

Cudy support
