

本网页列出了支持 OpenWrt 系统的设备的软件,在下载和安装软件之前,请注意 OpenWrt 项目是一个针对嵌入式设备的 Linux 操作系统。OpenWrt 不会尝试创建单个静态固件,而是提供具有包管理的完全可写文件系统。这让您无需选择和配置供应商提供的应用程序,并允许您通过使用适合任何应用程序的包来自定义设备。对于开发人员来说,OpenWrt 是一个构建应用程序的框架,无需围绕它构建完整的固件;对于用户来说,这意味着完全自定义的能力,能够以从未想象过的方式使用设备。


  1. 仅当您的路由器在 Cudy Web UI 下工作时才可使用该文件。
  2. 如果路由器已经在OpenWRT UI下工作,用户应先将其恢复为Cudy官方固件。 然后使用此固件升级路由器。
  3. 如何将路由器恢复为 Cudy 官方固件?请阅读下载文件中的 readme。


Cudy 特此声明

  1. 我们 Cudy 不对任何非深圳市多酷科技有限公司发布的软件承担保证责任。
  2. 对于安装了非深圳市多酷科技有限公司发布的任何软件的产品,我们不承担任何保修。
  3. 如果您需要使用openwrt软件,建议您从Cudy官网下载。

下载OpenWrt固件删除签名检查: 驱动器

OpenWrt 固件查找器(非 Cudy 发布): OpenWrt 固件选择器


147 条评论

We have released the openwrt firmware for TR3000, please download it on the website:

Dear support team, since OpenWRT 23.05.3, Cudy RE3000v1 is supported by OpenWRT. Are you planning to release an intermediate firmware in near future?

Support Cudy

Hi Support. I am looking for the unlock for TR3000. I do not see but the GPIO files on the link. WISP seems unstable with ASUS mesh, so I would like to use OpenWRT on this router. Thank you!


Dear support team, since OpenWRT 23.05.3, Cudy RE3000v1 is supported by OpenWRT. Are you planning to release an intermediate firmware in near future?


@7AMDA and LUIS, WR1300 has three version V1.0/2.0/3.0. Plese check whether you download the correct one. If your router is V1.0, you must use WR1300 + If your router is V2.0 or V3.0, you must use WR1300 + You can check the hardware version on the Firmware function of the WEB management page.

cannot flash cudy 1300 with the openwrt file
file is invalid, please fix

i try to change firmware to openwrt with file
but allways says:
“File is invalid. Please retry.”
i need rename .bin file to another name?

support cudy

@MAR, We will relased the firmware for openWRT of TR3000 soon. Please wait patiently.
Hi, could you please tell us which file to use to remove the signature check for TR3000?
I would like to use OpenWRT instead, because your original firmware is very unstable when using WISP.

support cudy
